
Saturday, September 23, 2017

Cross country!!!!

Kia ora bloggers, 
This week on Tueday the 12th we had CROSS COUNTRY!!!!. It was really fun, AMAZING!, Hard and sweaty. This cross country was different to last cross country because this week was raining and we couldn't use the field even though, last year we used the whole field because it was a nice sunny week. Everyone did very well at running even though some people dropped out (Mostly the little). Before we started our Cross country we had to sit in Yr group lines from Yr 0&1 to Yr 6. The order went from Yr 0's to Yr 6's so the Yr 6's had to go last. People that were Leaders (Which was me and other people) got to do games and hang out with the children till it's there turn to run. There were 6 stations that they had to go to every time they finished that session. Ms Sands chose 2 leaders and 2 house captains to work together at a station. I was working with my friend Caitlin, Kieren and Joshua C. At our station we did warm up's before the children's run. We did Star jumps, burpees, stretches and other Warm up's. After all the hard work we've been doing it was the Yr 6's turn to run. We packed up our gear ready to run. The Yr 6 boys ran first then we ( Yr 6 girls) ran a while later. My friend Caitlin came 1st place then my othr friend Margaret then finally I came 3rd place.

Have a look at some of the videos and pictures of the day!

GO YR 3 GIRLS!!!!!

Rakau sticks station 3

Block Games

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

Yr 4 boys

Yr 4 girls

GO ANDRE! You came 1st place

Yr 5 boys

Yr 5 girls

Yr 6 boys

Yr 6 girls race

The challenges were steep hills and steps my legs were burning while running up and down those steep hills and steps. Also mud was a problem some people slipped lots of time that they got mud all over them selves (My sister slipped and her bottom was covered in mud). I think that Cross country was a big challenge for me to see how far I can run, even for the whole school.
That's all I have for today but if you want to see more AMAZING! work just pop in and have a look. Remember to comment below on the work you are looking at.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Let me introduce my-self and my whanau

Kia ora Kairangitaki, (bloggers)
You must think why does my title say 'Let me introduce my-self and my whanau'. Well I am here to share with you my pepeha I didn't really take a clear shot of my pepeha so I decided to take a photo and also make a screencastify of me saying my pepeha. We talked through about where our family is placed in a pepeha and how you explain it in Maori. One of our teachers called Ms Mclellan talked us through about how we should be doing our pepeha's. She a real expert on naming things in Maori because she learns it from other classes at our school that does te reo Maori. We planned out a draft in our books on pieces of paper so we can draft it again but in our art books before we could do it on our good copy. Even though it's not a good copy you can still read a little bit of the writing.  
I didn't get to know my grandparents because they passed on before I was born. I really wanted to meet them because my mum said that they were very nice to her and my Aunt and Uncle. If I could go back to the past I would go to the time where my Grandparents were alive.
If you want to see more of my FANTABULOUS! work just come and visit more often to see. Don't forget to post a comment on one of my learning if you are reading it.

Monday, September 11, 2017


Talofa lava bloggers,
Today this morning our school had a CRAZY! most CRAZIEST! science show EVER!. The show was Amazing, fun, AWESOME! and very magical. We had 2 scientists come and show us about what scientists do, their names were Richard & Robyn (A lady). They showed us many different things mostly containing water which is called H2O and also chemicals. While everyone was coming in to the hall he showed us some magic tricks using his upper body. Not long after he started the show by introducing him-self and his partener that came along. He started of with using 3 metal rings to join together. He was really funny because he kept stopping us to see if we were watching him and saying words like "DON'T BLINK!" or "Don't keep your eyes away". With the 3 metal rings that he was holding in his hands, he used it to join them together (Impossible) and show us how funny he is. He did lot's of crazy science experiments that were really dangerous like using fire, explosions and fireworks. It was CRAZY! actually looking at what the dangerous things that he was doing. My favourite part of the show was Richard using a bubble mixture to make bubbles and to make more bubbles expand.

Let's get away from this and have a break to look at some photo's and videos

Welcome Richard and Robyn
Connecting rings together MAGIC!

This is Richard trying out a hairdryer and using a ball 

A video of the ROCKET! explosion

NO! Richard don't do it.


 I learnt that in the bubbles is oxygen (Air) and when you pop the bubble the air spreads around the area that you are standing in. I also learned that bubbles is the thinest object in the whole entire world but thought a feather was the thinest object in the world. When Richard used different tools to make bubbles everyone was suspicous on how big the bubble is, and if it was big then they would "Ooohhhh!" at the end. The most WEIRDEST! science experiment I've EVER! experienced before was........ Nappies. Richard had a cup of powder from 1 nappy (which was about 2 and a half teaspoons) and nearly a whole cup of yellow water (pee). He tipped the yellow water into the powder and all of  sudden it turned into solid gel. I felt like I was going to vomit because he took it out and placed it ontop of his hand. I wonder if the experiences that I have learnt will be passed on in the future. I also wonder if what are the differences between bubble mixture and water to make bubbles.
It's time for me to go now but stay tune for more work coming up soon. Please post a comment for me below if you are reading this.


Saturday, September 2, 2017

My camp experienced!

Bonjour fellow bloggers,
I am here with you to share my experience last week. Last week the Yr 5's and 6's went on a school trip to Mt Ruapehu. As you can see at the bottom I have a slideshow about what we did on camp and saw while we were there. At Mt Ruapehu there was snow I thought it would feel soft but instead it felt like ice. It was my first time touching snow and actually trying out new things. By the way we had choices on what to do for the day at the snow. The options were Skiing or Snowboarding. On the forms that the teachers gave us it said that Skiing is basically easier than Snowboarding. My option was Skiing (because it was easier) and most people chose Skiing than Snowboarding. I took photo's from my red camera that I brang along of our bus trip but not of the snow because I needed to change my batteries but I didn't take extra batteries, my camera doesn't need a charger it need's batteries to charge it up.  It took us lot's of hours (8 or 9 hours) to get to the hotel that we were staying in because we had lot's of stops and walks to refresh our minds before going to our next stop. 
   Feel free to read through my slideshow! 

We had a great time on the fiirst day but we didn't get to Ski or Snowboard because we got to the hotel at 7 or 8pm. Before we arrived at the hotel in the afternoon we went to Hamilton Gardens to have a little Competition and challenge between 7 coloured teams. We all stopped for a morning tea break before heading inside Hamilton Gardens. Ms Sands walked the people that needed to go toilet to the toilet. Then we were on a roll and started to wait for the people near a water fountain. Here is a photo of it. Mr Riceman & Ms Sands handed us 2 pieces of paper to each team, and with the pieces of paper were pencil's. What we had to do was to find clues of the gardens that are on the piece of paper and name what the clue is in which garden. It was annoying and tiring because we pasted some of the clues and we had to go all the way around to find it again.

                            Here are lot's of AWESOME! photo's that you guys can have look at.

This is our Orange group taking a photo before we race to find the clues of the gardens.

Here is a photo of us finally finishing our papers!

Our morning tea break before heading into Hamilton gardens

Our team was so popular for photo's

DELICIOUS! Anzac biscuits made by one of our staffs Julie

Having some relax time at the warm Aquatic center

YUMMY! Hotdogs for lunch.

Having our first games night

Thanking the teachers, staff and parents that came along with us

Eating and having a break before heading home

3 MORE PHOTO'S! so keep that smile on your face for the camera

W- for Waikowhai

P- for Primary

L- for last bus trip photo

I enjoyed camp a lot. I learnt to stop with Ski's you either do a pie shape by turning you foot facing the other foot so it looks like a triangle, or you can turn to the side and facing left or right. I crashed ontop of people while Skiing down the mountain because I kept on going fast. We had Skiing and Snowboarding lessons because we were only beginners and started for one day. The place that we were Skiing was called Happy valley ( Should actually be called crowded valley because there was so much people). Some people were skiing up higher which was called Rock mountain some of my friends went but I wasn't allowed to because I had my lesson on. My friend said that there was a waterfall which was little bit big. There were so much people because there were more then 10 schools, families and people that are having a vacation. If you are also going to camp please tell me when you post a comment below and I will comment back. 
 Feel free to ask me questions. If you want to see more of my work please keep visiting more often and see more FANTASTIC! work.

Ps: Don't forget your old green paper!!!

Friday, September 1, 2017

Play time!!!!!

Kia ora bloggers,
I am here sharing with a piece art and work. Today in Maths we had been using our chromebooks to go onto tinkercad. If you don't know what tinkercad is, it's a 3d modeling place on where you build and make stuff. We had to make a Juniour playground because at our school the Juniour playground had been taken down for many accidents that have happened. So Mr Riceman thought that we could make with our own imagination a playground that would be safe and stable for the Juniours. Below is a quick screencastify of me describing the parts of my playground. 
Feel free to watch!
I think it was easy to make the playground because I have used tinkercad before and I like using different shapes and making them into different sizes. The thing I didn't like was using a square that had bottom, top, left and right. We had to use it to turn your work around to see if it's on a right angle or in the right place. I think during all these math sessions we are mostly thinking of different ways on how to make things like we did with the tent making. That's my goal for Key competency which is thinking and I wrote that down in my goals slideshow. If you are reading this work please post a positive & thoughtful comment.
                                                            BYE BYE!!!!